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Jesus Is the Light of the World - Part 2
by Pastor Alex Lindsay
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Reference: John 1:1-5,9,14-17

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In our previous lesson, we noted that Zacharias (Zachariah - father of John the Baptist) prophesied about Christ. In Luke 1:78-79 he stated that "…The Dayspring from on high / The Sunrise from on high (NASB) has visited us to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." The gospel of Matthew and Luke give us much detail about the birth of the baby Jesus. In John's gospel we are immediately directed to think of great attributes of Christ without focusing much on Him being a baby.

  • John 1:1-3 - He is equal with God, and was powerfully present in the creation of all things.

  • John 1:4-5 - He is the source of life and light, shining into our darkness.

  • John 1:9 - He is the true light. Everyone will be impacted by His effect on this world.

  • John 1:14-17 - He became flesh / human so that we could behold and receive the glory and grace of God.


Let's look more carefully at these passages:

John 1:1-3 - He is equal with God, and was powerfully present in the creation of all things.
Note: "The Word" cp. "God Said" Genesis 1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26 cp. Psalm 33:6; Hebrews 11:3; II Peter 3:5.

See John 1:10; Colossians 1:14-17; 2:9; Hebrews 1:8-12.


John 1:4-5 - He is the source of life and light, shining into our darkness.

See John 8:12; 11:9-10,25-26; 12:46; 14:6; Ephesians 5:14. Below is a special note on John 1:5.

What is the world's response to the light of Jesus Christ? "The darkness did not comprehend it / did not grasp it / has not overcome it / can never extinguish it." Translations of John 1:5 vary greatly. Yet, they are all describing the Greek word (Strong # G2638) which means "to comprehend, understand, grasp, apprehend, control, overcome." We are being told that there was no way that natural man could understand or desire the light of Christ. It would take a new birth / a spiritual birth to receive this light (John 1:10-13; 3:1-8,19; I Corinthians 2:1-16).

When the world doesn't understand something, it can't control it. When the world can't control something, there is fear and confusion. Then there is a fight to either control it or destroy it. The world, by nature, rejects and resists the light of Christ. The world, by nature, is antichrist.

See John 3:19; 16:7-11 (cp. John 12:31); John 16:33; Galatians 1:3-5; Romans 12:2; Ephesians 2:1-7; I John 2:15-26; 4:1-6; 5:4-5,19-21 cp. II Corinthians 10:3-5.


John 1:9 - He is the true light. Everyone will be impacted by His effect on this world.
Jesus Christ knows the heart and mind of all men. His involvement with their thoughts, consciences, words, and works will cause every person to be accountable to Him.

See John 2:23-25; 5:19-30; 18:37; Matthew 11:27; 12:24-25 (Matthew 12:22-37); Luke 6:6-11; 7:39-40 (Luke 7:36-50 cp. Revelation 2:23 cp. Revelation 2:2,9,13,19; 3:1,8,15); Acts 10:40-43; 17:30-31; Romans 2:12-16 (cp. Proverbs 20:27); II Timothy 4:1; I Peter 4:4-5. May we seek the Lord to search our hearts and give us His light (Ephesians 5:14; Hebrews 4:12-13; Philippians 2:5; 3:15 cp. Psalm 139:1-6,23-24; Isaiah 55:6-9 [Isaiah 55:1-13).


John 1:14-18 - He became flesh / human so that we could behold and receive the glory and grace of God.
We cannot go to the sun and survive. The sunlight must come to us and give us light, energy, and warmth. At this time we are unable to bear the full, unfiltered presence of God (Exodus 33:20; John 1:18). Even so, the Son of God has come to give us the light of God - His glory and His grace (Hebrews 1:1-3; Colossians 2:9 [Colossians 2:10; 1:27]; John 14:6-10; 17:1-8; I John 1:1-7; 5:20). Moses gave us the truth of the law. But Jesus Christ has given us grace with the truth - gospel truth, powerful saving truth (John 4:10,14; 5:24-26; 6:63; 7:37-39; Romans 1:16). This grace gives life, power, and transformation.

John 1:16 is telling us that the grace He gives is unending and bounteous! He gives "grace for grace" / "grace upon grace" / "grace in place of grace already given." In other words Jesus gives grace after grace after grace after grace, etc.

See Romans 8:1-4; II Corinthians 5:17; 12:9-10; Hebrews 2:16-18; 4:14-16; 10:5,10-14,19-24; 13:20-21; Philippians 2:5-11,12-16; 4:13,19 cp. II Timothy 2:1.

Originally delivered December 15, 2024
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