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What Effect Does the Gospel Have on You? - Part 1
by Pastor Alex Lindsay
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Reference: Romans 1:1-17

Gospel truth dominates the book of Romans. The main theme of the book might be stated as "A vindication of the Character of God as He provides salvation to guilty sinners." That is not what naturally emerges in the minds of many. They see the book of Romans as a roadmap, showing us how to get to heaven - how to be justified, forgiven, sanctified, and serving God. Truly this book contains all of that. But as we seek the practical help that the book of Romans offers, we should also be concerned that the holiness of God might be questioned, as He shows mercy to some and justice to others. Does God compromise His holiness, when He forgives sinners? Is God inconsistent in His handling of grace and judgement? Some people don't care. Others just haven't thought further than wondering if they are going to heaven. Knowing God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and making Him known are really important priorities for the Christian (I Peter 1:13-25; 3:15,18). Here are some God-centered thoughts from the book of Romans:

"…That He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus."
(Romans 3:26 - NKJV)

"Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!
'For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counsellor?' 'Or who has first given to Him and it shall be repaid Him?'
(quotes from Isaiah 40:13; Job 41:11)
For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen."
(Romans 11:33-36 - NKJV)

"Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began but now made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made know to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith - to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen."
(Romans 16:25-27 - NKJV)

The title of this message asks the question "What effect does the gospel have on you?" We might begin answering that question by saying "The gospel should give us a deep reverence and awe for the goodness and glory of God." Is this true for you? Does the gospel humble you and reveal that you are accountable to a holy, sovereign, all-knowing, all-powerful God? In turn, does this make the thought of His love, mercy, and grace sweeter?


Romans 1:1-17 - The Effect of the Gospel

Let's look for perspectives concerning the gospel that Paul reveals in Romans 1:1-8.

Romans 1:1 - "The gospel of God" separates us for God's purpose. This doesn't just apply to the twelve apostles, or to Paul, Silas, and Barnabas, or to pastors, evangelists, etc. God is separating all of His people for Himself. See Romans 8:28-29; 12:1-2; Galatians 1:3-5; Colossians 1:12-13; I Peter 2:9-11 cp. Ephesians 5:8.

Romans 1:5-7 - Jesus Christ, through the gospel, gives us grace and calls us all to be "saints" ("saints" = separated unto God for His holy purpose). We are called to serve the Lord. See John 1:17; II Timothy 1:9; I Corinthians 1:1-9; Titus 2:11-14; I Thessalonians 1:5-10.

Note Romans 1:5-6 - The word "grace" may be defined as "gift." The word "apostle / apostleship" refers to "one who is sent as a delegate / representative." All Christians receive spiritual gifts and are called to minister as ambassadors for Christ (Romans 1:6 - "you also" cp. Romans 12:1-8; II Corinthians 5:14-21).

Romans 1:2-3 - The gospel has its roots in the Old Testament Scriptures. The whole Bible is a book about Jesus. See Luke 24:44-48; Romans 16:25-27; I John 5:10-11 cp. II Timothy 3:15-17.

Romans 1:4 - The gospel is attended with the power of God - resurrection power. See Romans 1:16; John 5:24-25; John 6:63; 11:25-26; I Corinthians 15:20-22,45; II Timothy 2:8-10; Hebrews 4:12; I Corinthians 1:17-24; I Thessalonians 1:5; 2:13 cp. Ephesians 1:15-20; I Peter 1:3.

Romans 1:5-8 - The gospel call is of world-wide importance - to both the Jew and the Gentile. All men everywhere are called to repent and to obey the gospel. See Acts 17:24-31 (cp. I Peter 4:17); Romans 1:16; 2:3-12; 3:9-30; 16:25-26; Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8; Revelation 5:9 cp. Genesis 12:1-3; Galatians 3:13-16,26-29.


Next, let's look at how the Gospel affected Paul and how he hoped it would affect others, as stated in Romans 1:8-17.


- To be continued -

Originally delivered October 6, 2024
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