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Lament & Repent - Part 4
by Pastor Alex Lindsay
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Reference: Ecclesiastes 3:1-4; Psalm 126:1-6

Ecclesiastes chapter three shows us seasons and times that we may expect in our lives. We need to recognize these times and learn how to respond to them (James 5:13). Of particular interest to this lesson is the progression from weeping to laughing, from mourning to dancing (Ecclesiastes 3:4). Sorrowful events in the lives of God's children are not the final destination, but rather, a pathway to ultimate blessing (Proverbs 10:22 [See message, "Partakers of His Kingdom and Glory - Part 2" - 06/09/2024 - page 2]; Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28; I Peter 5:10; Revelation 21:3-5). Psalm 126:1-6 confirms this pathway, "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy." Let us learn how to weep and bear precious seed during the sorrowful periods in our life (Psalm 126:6). Let us learn how to grieve, not just for our personal sorrows but also for the sorrows of others. This includes sorrowing with God - getting the mind and heart of God, concerning the things that grieve Him.

In our last lesson, we were discussing whether lamenting and grieving were particular to Jews and Old Testament times, or do they have a place in the Christian's life also. We discussed the example and teaching of Christ. We concluded with, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5). "Was" implies that we should follow the example of his past earthly life (Hebrews 12:1-17; I Peter 2:21-24). But if we consider I Corinthians 2:14-16, we are told that "… We have the mind of Christ." Let us be in touch with the living Christ. We are not only to think like Christ. We are to think with Him (Hebrews 2:18; 4:12-16; 13:20-21; I Peter 2:25). The Greek word for "mind," used in I Corinthians 2:16, is different than the word in Philippians 2:5. This word describes reflective consciousness, the faculties of perception and understanding. This includes feelings, judging, and determining (See Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.). As we understand the continual ministry of Christ's intercession (Hebrews 7:25), and that His Spirit can be grieved, we too should experience lamentation, grief, sorrow, and desire along with Him (Ephesians 4:30 cp. Acts 9:1-5; Revelation 2:2-6, 13-16, 19-25; 3:2-4, 8-13, 15-20).

As we grow spiritually, we need to know the place of godly sorrow in our lives (privately and publicly). See Ezekiel 9:4; Malachi 3:16-18; Romans 9:1-5; 10:1 (Paul lamented the unbelief of fellow Jews]; I Corinthians 5:1-8 (Especially vs. 2); II Corinthians 7:4-16 (vs. 8 - "…I made you sorry with a letter…" cp. II Corinthians 2:4); Philippians 3:18-19 [cp. Acts 20:17-19,31; Romans 1:9]; James 4:1-10 (cp. Luke 6:20-26); James 5:13 (cp. I Corinthians 12:25-26); I Peter 1:3-9; 5:1-11; Revelation 2:4-5.

So, we who are followers of Christ and of the New Testament gospel should take heed to God's warnings to us and take heart from the gospel promises given to us. There is a time to grieve to God. But never are we to be hopeless people who cannot be restored or comforted. See Romans 8:26-39; II Corinthians 4:8-18; 6:4-10; Philippians 4:6-13, 19; I Thessalonians 4:13; II Timothy 1:7-14; 2:8-10, 15-26; 4:18; Hebrews 12:1-29; 13:20-21; I John 1:1 - 2:6; 3:1-3; 5:18-21; I Peter 1:1-9, 13-25; 4:12-19; 5:5-10; II Peter 1:1-21; Jude 1:20-25.

We need to consider our own personal sorrows, temptations and failures. We also need to consider the sorrows, temptations, and failures of other Christians (individual and corporate). We need to consider the sin, unbelief, and failure in our society, our nation, and our world. We need to forsake fleshly anger, wrath, vengeance, argumentativeness, proud judgment, depression, and desperation. We need to harmonize with God's mind and heart. We need to put on humility, meekness, and godly sorrow, and learn how to grieve and lament unto the Lord and with the Lord. This thoughtful and prayerful heart exercise will help us to prevent foolish and unchristlike mistakes (fleshly anger, wrath, etc.) and will help us to repent and to do the right things in the spirit of love, faith, grace, meekness and truth. See Acts 4:18-31; 12:1-5 cp. Psalm 37:1-40; Romans 12:1-21; II Timothy 2:22-26; James 1:18-21; 3:8-18.


Solemn thoughts for meditation, lamenting, prayer, followed by godly action:

  • Psalm 1:1-6

  • Psalm 2:1-12

  • Psalm 9:15 - 10:14

  • Psalm 46:1-11

  • Psalm 90:1-17

  • Psalm 119:1-16, 49-56, 59, 121-128, 169-176

  • Isaiah 45:21-25 cp. Philippians 2:5-16; 3:13-19

  • Isaiah 55:1-11

  • John 8:12-59

  • Acts 17:22-31

  • II Timothy 2:22 - 3:7

  • James 3:8 - 4:10

  • I Peter 4:12-19

  • II Peter 3:10-14 cp. I Thessalonians 5:1-11

  • Revelation 19:11-16; 20:11-15


--- Next time, we will give special attention to Jeremiah and his "Lamentations" ---

Originally delivered July 28, 2024
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