Four Areas of Consideration in the First Chapter of Proverbs
The Continual Voice of the Proverbs – Available to Man. Proverbs 1:1-4
The Call to Hear, to Learn, and to Get Wise Counsel. Proverbs 1:5-9
The Competing Voices. Proverbs 1:10-19
The Call of Wisdom to Make the Right Choices. Proverbs 1:20-33
In Proverbs 1:1-4, We should appreciate what has been made available to us.
In Proverbs 1:5-9, We need to absorb the truth - gain wisdom and understanding.
In Proverbs 1:10-19, We must be alert to false teaching and bad associations.
In Proverbs 1:20-33, We also must actively decide to follow / to apply the truth with our lives.
The Call of Wisdom to Make the Right Choices. Proverbs 1:20-33
As was stated in a previous message (“Introduction: Christ, The Wisdom of God” – 03/05/23), Wisdom is personified as a godly kinswoman – a virtuous, goodwilled, mother, grandmother, aunt, or sister who is wise, loving, and caring. She gives encouragements and warnings (Proverbs 1:20-21; 7:4; 8:1-4; 9:1-3). The New Testament extends this personification to the Lord Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6; I Corinthians 1:23-24, 30-31; Ephesians 1:17; Colossians 2:1-3; John 7:37-39).
Proverbs 1:29-33 – Wisdom warns of the calamity that awaits those who choose to listen to the competing voices of this sinful world and follow the ways of the ungodly.
“For that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord: They would none of my counsel: They
despised all my reproof. Therefore they shall eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices. For the turning away of the simple shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. But whoso hearkens unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from the fear of evil.”
There is a two-fold sin of rejecting / ignoring the counsel of the Lord and turning to false counsel and ungodly partnerships (Jeremiah 2:13; cp. Psalm 1:1-3). The destruction of fools will generally come through their own doing. Their ways are self-destructive. As they turn from God’s ways, they go to the paths of death. A short-lived prosperity will harden them in their ways (Proverbs 5:21-23; Psalm 9:15-16; Romans 6:20-23). By contrast, those who choose God’s ways have God’s blessing, protection, and prosperity. Their love for the Lord delivers them from the bondage of fear. It is not that godly people do not have enemies, problems, and persecution. It is that they do not have to fear anything that man (or devil) does. God has given His people treasure – peace of mind and hope for an eternal future that man cannot take away (Proverbs 3:1-35; Psalm 34:1-22; 37:1-40; 56:1-13; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Matthew 6:19-34; Romans 8:31-39; I John 4:13-19).
Proverbs 8:1-36 – God’s wisdom: Virtues revealed.
Proverbs 8:1-5 – As wisdom calls for the attention, trust, and loyalty of men. It must be understood that nothing rivals the virtues of God’s wisdom. Lady Wisdom is incomparable (Proverbs 21:30; Romans 11:33-36). The Lord Jesus Christ is incomparable (John 5:23-24; 14:1, 6-9 cp. Ephesians 3:8).
Proverbs 8:6-9 – God’s words of wisdom are pure and holy. They will be understood by those who seek God with a pure heart (Psalm 119:2, 9-11; Matthew 5:6, 8; James 3:13-18).
Proverbs 8:10-11 – God’s words of wisdom are worth more than all worldly wealth (Proverbs 2:1-5; 3:13-18; Psalm 12:6; 19:7-11; 119:14).
Proverbs 8:12-21 – God’s word, when received, brings wisdom, skill, power, and fruitfulness in a person’s life, and in the life of a society of people (Deuteronomy 8:1-3; Psalm 1:1-6; 2:10-12; Isaiah 40:28-31; 55:6-13; 66:1-2; II Chronicles 7:14 cp. Psalm 33:10-12).
22-31 – God’s words of wisdom are eternal and foundational to the fabric of the universe. They are never outdated or irrelevant (Psalm 33:6; 119:89, 160; 135:5-6; Isaiah 40:6-8; 46:9-11; II Timothy 3:15-17; Hebrews 4:12 cp. John 1:1-3).
Proverbs 8:32-36 – God’s words of wisdom are vitally needed by men in every generation. The words of God are necessary, not only for wisdom to live in this world, but for eternal salvation. Men will perish if they reject / ignore the words of God (Proverbs 6:20-23; Psalm 119:130; 9:17; Romans 1:16; I Peter 1:22 – 2:3; John 1:1-5,9-10, 14,16-17; 3:16-21, 36; 8:21-24; I John 5:10-12).
Proverbs 9:1-12 – Wisdom again calls men to follow a well-prepared path in life. A path which will provide many well-prepared blessings (Proverbs 10:22; Psalm 31:19-20).
Proverbs 9:13-18 - Note the contrasting call of the woman who is foolish, ungodly, seductive, and clamorous (loud / boisterous). Her ways are a literal dead-end (Proverbs 5:3-5; Ecclesiastes 7:26) |